The Goodfriend File

Mark E. Goodfriend, LAW OFFICES OF MARK E. GOODFRIEND, 16255 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 1008, Encino, California 91436-2317; Tel: (818) 783-8866, Fax: (818) 783-5445, Email:

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Santorum Now Available

There is perhaps no greater devotee of Donald Rumsfeld than me. The way his mind works is mind-boggling -- intellectual honesty and openness, super-rationality, an ability to separate his deservedly large ego from his policies and actions, an impressive lack of defensiveness in the face of even the most unrelenting criticism. I am not saying he should be made a sacrificial lamb. But if he has to go, who would be a better replacement than "The American Churchill,"Rick Santorum?

Or, if Bolton can't survive pea-brain Senate Democrats, Santorum would well fit the Moynihan-Kirkpatrick mold.

Even better, in light of Condoleeza's surprisingly disappointing showing, how about Santorum for Secretary of State?

Last, but not least, there is always higher office in '08.